How to fix unplayable podcast audio on Listen Notes?

Each podcast producer hosts their own audio files. Therefore, the podcast producer may update the url of audio files or delete audio files, which is beyond our control. 

Listen Notes is a podcast search engine, which indexes publicly accessible RSS-based podcasts. It's like Google, which indexes publicly accessible web pages. 

It's possible that you click on some web pages from Google search results and find that those web pages are actually deleted. 

Similarly, it's possible that you find some podcasts from Listen Notes and find that those podcast audio files are deleted and become unplayable.

Fix unplayable audio urls

On the Listen Notes website, you may encounter unplayable podcast audio:

You can help fix the potentially broken audio url - Go to EDIT tab of an episode page (Example) and put a valid audio url there:

You can find the valid audio url from the podcast's official website (if they do have such website) or check if they update the audio url in the rss feed. Listen Notes periodically check if podcasts update their rss feed or audio urls, but we can't do it timely enough.

Chrome browser issues

If you are using a desktop version Chrome browser with version newer than 80, then Chrome blocks an unsafe audio url (with http://, rather than https://) from playing. You can tell Chrome to allow playing such http:// audio urls on the Listen Notes website. 

First, go to the Site settings for

Then, change Insecure content to "Allow":

Finally, go to again and you should be able to play those http:// audio urls. Lightning-fast, Cost-effective Podcast Transcription and Summarization

Transcribe 1-hour audio in 60 seconds, all for just US $4.60.

For those podcasts without transcripts, the tool available at Listen411 offers a convenient solution for transcribing podcasts. This service operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, eliminating the need for a subscription. It has an impressive speed, capable of transcribing a one-hour audio file in less than a minute.

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